
Create a Fun and Effective Orientation

Orientation is a crazy and exciting time for both students and faculty. But as hectic as this day can be, remember it is an opportunity for you to ensure a smooth and successful start for your students. Orientation sets the tone for the entire academic journey and can significantly impact the entire learning experience. 

At DaVinci Education, our team of experts has been there. Though you may plan well in advance, this day can pose some challenges. It can be easy to leave out important information. And your students probably feel overwhelmed with the information they’ve already received. 

Orientation is one of the many processes that can be simplified with our enterprise software platform, Leo. To keep your students informed and engaged, we’ve provided some tips for a more effective and fun orientation.

A Welcoming Atmosphere

  • Introduce yourself and your background to connect with students. Students appreciate knowing that their instructors have real-world experience and expertise in the subject they are teaching.
  • Use icebreakers to encourage networking and create a sense of community. Fun and interactive exercises can include team-building games, group discussions, or even virtual quizzes.
  • Highlight the significance of working together as a team to deliver optimal patient care and achieve common goals. Encourage students to engage in group projects, case studies, and problem-solving exercises to prepare them for the real-world scenarios they will encounter in their healthcare careers.

Similar to a student’s Academic Portrait in Leo, you can include your information in the Faculty Portrait, so students can get a glimpse of what you do. Leo also makes it easy to integrate with other EdTech tools, giving you the ability to offer games, interactive lessons, and more all on one platform. 

Clear Communication and Course Overview

  • Be transparent regarding course objectives, requirements, and assessment methods to ensure students know what is expected of them in terms of workload and active engagement in the learning process.
  • Provide a comprehensive overview of the curriculum and key topics. 
  • Demonstrate your teaching style through a sample lesson to engage students. Choose a topic that is fun and engaging, and keep it short.

With Leo, students have access to course materials such as schedules, syllabi, and lesson objectives as soon as they are enrolled. Additionally, Leo makes it easy for you and your students to communicate and receive important notifications for upcoming events.

Student Support 

  • Familiarize students with technology use for the course, such as online platforms or software. If you plan to use Leo or any educational platform, you will need to plan a short introductory session. The good news is that Leo is user-friendly and requires very little training.
  • Address student concerns and provide enough time for questions. 
  • Offer information about academic support services, counseling, and tutoring options. This can help students develop the mindset they need to be proactive in their own learning experience.

Leo lets you send additional study materials to individual students or student groups. Additionally, Leo’s discussion boards enable students to collaborate in the learning process with you and with each other. 

We know how exciting and often stressful orientation can be. Contact us today to learn more about how Leo can help you enhance key elements of your program, like orientation, and set the tone for a positive and effective learning experience for your students.