
Run Your Clerkship Lotteries in Leo

Running clerkship lotteries can be stressful. Considering the capacity of each course and the number of students enrolling, it can be challenging to distribute clinical rotations in a way that satisfies every student. In addition, each healthcare education program is unique. 

This is why we designed Leo, our enterprise software platform, with flexibility so that you can determine how to structure your lottery according to what’s best for your individual program. Leo makes it easy to run your clerkship lotteries more efficiently and provide the best educational experience for your students.

Leo offers:

  • Flexible structure for how your school wants to deliver its lottery process. Our team of experts designed Leo to accommodate a wide range of scenarios, so you can customize your clerkship lotteries. 
  • The ability to tailor your lotteries and easily manage them across your program. Your program can run not just one, but a series of lotteries. 
  • Quick and easy set up. However you choose to structure your lotteries, Leo’s Lottery Manager tool makes it easy to set up. 

With Leo, you can group students by the student cohort that is entering the clinical year or years of your school’s curriculum. Moreover, students who are already in the system from didactic courses will automatically be added. And with real-time updates, you and your students will be notified at the beginning and end of the process.

At DaVinci Education, we understand the challenges of managing a healthcare education program. Leo allows for more streamlined and effective management of virtually every aspect of your program, from curriculum mapping to clerkship lotteries. Contact us today to learn more about how Leo and our friendly team of experts can help you set your students up for success.