Timing is Everything: The importance of immediate feedback and longitudinal performance tracking
Timing of assessments and feedback is of the utmost importance in health professions education. An often overlooked, but equally as important part of this process is connecting students with content in a timely manner that will help them improve in areas where they are struggling. This webinar presents methods of activating real-time evaluations of student performance, along with providing immediate feedback and access to key course content to help improve future outcomes. Additionally, this presentation will discuss how to use these evaluations to create longitudinal student performance data for students and their advisors focused on having a lasting influence on student performance beyond the current lesson.
Learning Objectives:
At the completion of this session, participants will be able to:
- Use on-demand evaluations in didactic and clinical settings
- Provide students with immediate feedback on authentic assessments
- Design a process that uses real time feedback and streamlined access to course materials to promptly address student learning concerns
- Longitudinally track student performance while making this information constantly available to students and their advisors