
Improved Student Outcomes Through Evaluation and Feedback

A major motivation for establishing effective evaluation strategies is to improve individual performance.

Student feedback... we all want it, and we all know how important it is. But it seems difficult to receive at times. Whether it is handling distribution, tracking missing responses or reporting the results, creating an effective evaluation process can often be time-consuming, but it’s very rewarding when done correctly. 

Of course, in MedEd, evaluations are not only invaluable resources for understanding the student experience, but they are a required part of your accreditation reporting. This means getting the most responses possible is even more critical. Leo can help simplify your process so it becomes even easier to create, distribute and complete evaluations - with the goal of getting even more responses as a result. 

Let’s put our student hats on and find out how you can help them get to that submit button faster and more often.

Fewer Clicks to Submit

One of the first obstacles to completing evaluations can be just accessing the evaluation itself. In Leo, students and faculty can access evaluations right from their calendar. Leo’s Eval Portal makes viewing, managing and completing evaluations a seamless experience for students and faculty. And, with an intuitive user interface, they can complete evaluations on any device, making increased response rates even more likely.

Reminders at the Ready

Reminders are a seemingly simple step to increase response rates during the evaluation process. In my previous higher education roles, I tried to be strategic when setting my reminder schedule. I would open up my academic calendar, channel my inner student and make my best guess when I thought my emails would get the most clicks. Sometimes this drove more responses; other times it was less successful. Leo has simplified this process for you! Administrators are able to schedule the frequency of email reminders in advance. You indicate when you want evaluations to be available and Leo pulls in all the possible dates for your reminders. This gives your users regular communications regarding incomplete evaluations so they never miss a deadline. Plus, Leo puts a link to the evaluation right in the email reminder. This makes it even easier for your clinical faculty and students to help you get those response rates up!

Feedback at their Fingertips

A major motivation for establishing effective evaluation strategies is to improve individual performance. Performance could mean a student perfecting their clinical skills, faculty developing online learning techniques or course directors adjusting their content. As educators, we need feedback on all of it to drive continuous improvement, not just for our overall institution but for individual students as well. Students can view faculty feedback on their performance in the Academic Portrait, and can connect that feedback to the relevant courses and events in the Leo calendar to start improving right now. Faculty mentors and advisors can easily access student performance information to help coach and support students. This real-time awareness creates a proactive learning environment focused on immediately improving student outcomes.

Timely and accessible feedback is essential in the fast-paced, high-stakes environment of medical education; without it students are at risk of falling behind. With Leo's Academic Portrait and evaluations users can share and receive the necessary feedback to positively influence student outcomes. That's a game-changer for your students - and for you, too.